Thursday, 23 May 2019

A lesson on belief and taking action

Over the years, I’ve grown new perceptions of how the World really works. In fact, I’ve continuously studied people; how they think, and how they react to the environment around them. My conclusions are astounding. As a matter of fact, I learned that people who are happy; those who find their inner happiness, and those who bring out the positive in negative situations, generally took more action with their lives. They built the courage inside to take charge of their lives, rather than those who constantly fought against their own happiness by always thinking in negative terms. I've realized that those who were generally positive thinkers had a stronger belief system.

Belief and action are two important fundamentals that one must instill in order to achieve success. Far too often I have talked with friends or family members, and as they tell me passions and inspirations, they continue to tell me how lazy they are, or they make excuses as to why they don’t take action. They seem to never experience the fruits of life. In fact, their stories tell the exact opposite. If they were to reach a little further, perhaps step outside of their comfort zones and grasp onto opportunities with a more positive mindset, they would live a joyous life, but no matter what you tell them they remain in a negative state. Let me tell you this; without a positive belief comes zero action.

How do you react when the environment provides you with an opportunity? What beliefs are you feeding your mind? Are your thoughts dragging you down and making you lazy?

All too often, we remain grounded in reality because of the illusion of our limitations. Our limitations hold us back from wanting more. They make us lazy feeling defeated and make us sleep longer. They deplete our self-worth, and we lose our imagination in the process, forgetting what’s truly important. Don't let this happen to you. Create a solid belief system by eliminating your negative beliefs one at a time. Start thinking positive in every situation, and believe in yourself! Doing so will allow you to take action towards your passions without procrastinating.


  1. SO true! Some people believe but do nothing. I'm not like that. Belief is the precursor to taking lots of action!

  2. I believe in the law of attraction. I believe you can make opportunities happen when you believe and then you're required to take action when they come. Those are the keys to success!

  3. Illusion of our limitations... MAN that sounds good! I so resonate with that! We put on our own limitations and are lied to about what they are... but only we can determine what those are for ourselves. Right on!!

  4. Wow... this is what I needed to read today! We're surrounded by people who also have self-limiting beliefs and try to impart that on others even though they have good intentions... We gotta break outta that!

  5. What you think is what you speak and what you speak is what you do... BINGO! I love this!
