Saturday, 23 November 2019

21 day challenge

The last five years I've been studying life. Everything about it. Rather than going the typical spiritual path - questioning life (Who, what, where, when, why), I went even more beyond and questioned literally every decision I made daily (for five years). I judged each one based on whether it was a positive or negative experience in nature, and noted the lesson within each. My observations have led me to realize so many fascinating things that would normally get overlooked by the average individual - example: karma does exist; our choices lead us to either positive or negative future outcomes. This is all based on my own personal experiences. When I succumbed to a bad habit it would always lead to something negative happening in my life. It worked in reverse form when I did something good for society. This of course is only one example. There are however many.

Weighing my daily activities, and searching for the lessons within my routine allowed me to capitalize on the things I was doing wrong. I noticed small little habits that were creating inefficiencies for an optimal lifestyle. When I took notice of them I did whatever possible to eliminate them one at a time. In addition, I was able to gain a better perspective of what true happiness is, for me.

When you observe your own life and your own daily activities you start to gain clarity on who you are. You start to get to know yourself. So many profound things happen when you truly get to know yourself. You become a much more confident person and your goals and passions start to unveil. You gain a clear perspective of your values and beliefs which forces yourself to focus on a healthier lifestyle. When it comes down to it all, there's no negatives when getting to know yourself.

PRESCRIPTION: Over the next 21 days I want you to keep track of all of your experiences. I'm not just talking about a few experiences here and there, I'm talking about EVERY experience you go through each and every single day for the next three weeks. I want you to judge whether the experience was positive or negative in nature. I want you to write down the lesson that was learned. And, I want you to write down one thing you could've done better if you re lived the experience. You'll be amazed at the stuff you come up with. You're free to document your experience in a journal. This way you can backtrack on the lessons learned in the process. This is a great way to start your path of soul-searching.

And, GO!!!


  1. Oooh that's pretty interesting. Okay, I'll do it!

    1. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it too! 21 days? Should be fun.

    2. 21 days will go by quickly. It'll be a good journey.

  2. Sounds like you went really deep over the last five years. I'm digging it. Sure, I'll give it a shot.

  3. A challenge to unplug from the matrix? Challenge accepted!

  4. I usually keep a journal for myself but I've been skipping on it. I think I'll try again with this. Thanks.

    1. I've had a journal for the last four years. It's such a great way to collect my thoughts at the end of each day.

  5. Woh! This is a great tip to live to become a better person. It could be a bit challenging for me though, but I will surely give it a shot. I just hope I will be able to make it to the end of the 21 days.

  6. It's important to keep track of your experiences. Karma really exists and whatever you do whether positive or negative, you will always reap the fruits. I'll join this 21 days challenge

  7. I'm really going to do this 21 days challenge. I strongly believe your actions whether positive or negative can influence whatever you do. I'm grateful for this post. The only thing I will have to fight for is the motivation to make it to the end of the 21 days.

  8. Hmmmmm... I feel my soul really needs a deep searching! What better way to explore and become better if not be reviewing my past life and working on it. I think I'm up for it!

  9. Very thoughtful. You know 21 days is really enough time to look within and try to work on myself to change for the better! I do hope at the end of the challenge, I will come out better.
