Friday, 1 November 2019

How important are role models?

“Role models are key to our successes. They’re the ones that have the best wisdom. They bring positivity in our weakest and darkness moments.”

The Universe sends unique gifts to each of us. These gifts usually come randomly. They come in the form of promotions with our jobs, friends through coworkers, or ideas for business goals. What is often overlooked is our most treasured gift; our role models. These relationships were given to us to form better quality lives.

There are many positive qualities within our relationships. Laughter, fun and happiness are some of the benefits we receive when dealing with other people. I’m sure you can remember a time when another person went out of their way to help you in a difficult situation. Despite their physical ability to assist you, their encouragement helped you generate the energy you needed to move forward in life. Perhaps this person provided many mental rescues to you over the years. These people helped us become better people. These people are considered role models.

Role models come at every age. They come in a variety of sizes, colors and cultures. Some exist within our families and close circle of friendships; whereas, others are found as we pursue our jobs and careers. There’s something special about them. It’s almost like they have an aura that shines a radiance of positive energy because you always feel your best whenever you’re around them. They make you feel comfortable, confident and happy, almost like an angel would. Their compassion out shines any other emotion. No matter what you do in life, they never place judgements on you. There are very few of them but they exist all around us. They’re the ones that help guide us on the path of righteousness and the ones that cheer us on when we’re down in the dumps. Role models are the keys to our successes. They’re the ones that contain the best wisdom. They bring positivity and light in our weakest and darkness moments. They are more to us than typical friends and acquaintances. Their compassion is contagious. Often, a role model can be a sibling, and Aunt or Uncle, perhaps even one of our closest friends. They can be our neighbors, Grandparents, the manager at work, or even a teacher at school. They can be anyone in our lives. Role models are given to us to learn important life lessons. They were positioned in our lives to grow and to prepare ourselves for the experiences that await us.

Often times, it’s difficult to find the positive inspiration we need to move forward. Our role models are the messengers of positive inspiration. They are the ones we confide in when the times are tough. They provide the courage we need to make positive changes. Role models are more important than you may realize. When you’re ready to accept them, the Universe will present them to you.

You may be a person who is blessed to have many wonderful role models. Most of us are challenged and barely have even one in our lives. Look at some of your best friends, are they role models to you? Take a gander through your family tree, are any of them worthy of this role? Maybe you will find them in the circle of your closest friends, or perhaps they are located in your church or perish. They can be found in every type of relationship. When you spot them be sure to take advantage of their guidance and wisdom. All too often, they’re taken for granted and forgotten. When you receive a generous gift from the Universe in the form of a role model remember they were given to you to make a positive change.


Make a list of your closest friends. Include everyone that spends at least a few hours a month with you. This will likely include your parents, siblings, classmates and anyone more than an just an acquaintance. Write a plus or a minus beside each person’s name to signify their influence. A plus means he or she is a positive influence, and a negative means he or she is a negative influence. Once your list is complete count how many pluses you have. This will give you an accurate indication of how many people are on your side of success.

Take the list and categorize them. Create three different categories: 1. Easy to talk to 2. Inspiring and encouraging and 3. wants to help me succeed. Find the category that best suits each influence. This exercise will help you define your role models. When your list is completed, make a commitment to spend more time with these people.


  1. What if the only ones I can think of fit all 3?

    1. Are they mostly family? Coz my parents fit under all three as well lol

    2. Yep! lol my mom, dad and sister. They're always there for me. I spend tons of time with them and they never hold me down from my dreams. always encouraging me to pursue them.

    3. Same here! My parents, my aunt, my uncle... they're not really negative. Glad I have them really.

  2. There was this officer who helped my family and I out when I was little after a car accident. I've always looked up to him and I remember him to this day. I hope he's doing well.

  3. I have some close friends who I consider role models.

  4. Very nice idea, gotta doing this today!

  5. Role models are important if we must achieve success. I have a lot of role models and I'm duplicating their system and it is working for me. Thanks for this blog post.

  6. Okay. If all these are characteristics of role models, what then can you say about mentors? I really find it difficult differentiating the two! And for this, I gat tons of people who fall under the three categories. So, I guess I've got lots of inspiration to go round!
